Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ, formerly Institute for Global Justice) was formed on 7th August 2001 to address the global trade liberalization issues. Its establishment was facilitated by INFID and by some individual members of the Indonesian NGO Coalition on WTO (KOP-WTO). It was registered as an Association by Notary Registration No. 34 dated 22 April 2002.
The Vision of IGJ is “A Global Justice Order through Social Movements”. The mission of IGJ is “Changes toward a just trade system through developing critical awareness and empowering strategic groups of civil society”.

The objectives of IGJ are:
1. The government introduced to the strategy of sovereign and just economic development.
2. Laws and policies on trade and investment are pro-people.
3. International agreements on economy protect the national and people’s interests.
4. Critical and resistant power of civil society in facing globalization is strengthened.
5. The development of institutional capacity and managerial of IGJ.

IGJ works on global trade liberalization issues, particularly on monitoring and responding to trade-related priority issues, they are: WTO (World Trade Organization), national trade policy (investment, trade facility, and competition policy), Free Trade Agreements, ASEAN, and the G20. IGJ has been working and networking with both national and international civil society organizations.

World Trade Organization (WTO), Free Trade Agreements (FTA), ASEAN, G-20, and trade and investment policies.

IGJ is fulfilling a niche which is until today not yet touched by other non-government-organizations (NGOs) in Indonesia. IGJ is the only NGO in Indonesia whose main works are on trade liberalization issues. IGJ provides analytical information on different trade globalization issues.

IGJ carries out analytical and critical research programs, supplemented by field research, which is aimed at identifying impacts and generating recommendation for alternative policies. The outcomes of the research are used for various purposes, including public education, lobbying materials, campaign, and advocacy.

IGJ monitors the development of various trade liberalization issues and international institutions relate with global trade policy. The activities among others include attending as observer in conferences of international government summits and monitoring negotiations of trade and investment agreements between Indonesia and other countries.

IGJ publishes articles through website (, Free Trade Watch bulletin, and mailing lists. Publication is essential to disseminate knowledge and updates on trade liberalization issues to the public. Research results are also published in book form to keep the public informed with new developments and findings in trade and investment liberalization issues.

IGJ carries out its campaign activities to increase critical awareness about global trade liberalization issues, particularly those relate to the ongoing negotiations at the WTO and FTAs (Free Trade Agreements), as well as their impacts toward the Indonesian economy and development. The campaign activities are conducted together with various civil society groups that share common values and ideals.
IGJ has been developing networks both at national and international levels with concerned groups. Public education is a part of campaign in attempt to disseminate information to policy makers and general public about globalization and trade liberalization issues. That includes holding workshops, public dialogs, discussions, and hearings with related commission at the parliament and government institutions. Since 2009, IGJ has been using the arena of Constitutional Court to address questionable trade and investment-related laws.


Chairman of the Board : Lutfiyah Hanim
Board Member : Harry Wibowo
: Muhammad Riza Adha Damanik
: Binny Bintarti Buchori
: Dani Setiawan
: Sri Palupi
Executive Director : Rahmat Maulana Sidik,SH
Finance Manager : Prabowo Pandjaitan
Coordinator of Research and Advocacy for Health Issues : Agung Prakoso
Coordinator of Research and Advocacy for Sustainable Finance Issues : Komang Audina Permana Putri
Coordinator of Research and Advocacy for Digital Issues :
Program Officer on Business and Human Right : Muhammad Aryanang Isal
Media Campaign & Communication : Nur Sofi Iklima
Julius Leonardo
General Staff : Dani Iskandar